Lonely Much?

Lonely much?

Maybe you retreated home this Labor Day weekend - you who were able - cuz wow, I could use being around people who know me.

Maybe you're  more into your smartphone now than you ever have been.  Simply because on your (insert your social media of  choice here) at least you have a history and connection with your family and those you ran with in high school. 

College life can be lonely.
Some of you may have "rushed" to find belonging. Some of you may have tipped back too many to find belonging. Some of you might have done something you'd not do normally...simply to belong.

In your wild and desperate scramble to experience community and belonging, come on by LuMin-Austin. This community believes there's more than enough room for you to do life together with us and us with you.

Whether you're a doubter or believer, a sinner or a saint, gay or  straight, artsy or sciencey, cis or trans, republican or democrat, Lutheran or not Lutheran, documented or non-documented, spiritual or religious, hopeless or hopeful, rich or poor, insecure or cocky,  insert-your-polarity-here ad infinitum...you have a place with us to be who you are...to be LOVED...to be LISTENED TO and CARED FOR.*

This is what God's got us doing. Come and See.
We’re having BBQ tonight with an amazing Sopapilla Dessert (7PM First English Lutheran Church + 3001 Whitis…just sayin’)

Grace and peace to you!


*(yeah, I know: a preposition is bad to end a sentence with.)
