What's happening @ LuMin-Austin:

S U N D A Y   E V E N I N G   W O R S H I P

We gather around Water + Word + Meal to sing, pray, listen, and be fed at the Lord's Table. ChēBA Hut Sandwiches Group Order this week. If you're coming for the first time to check us out, email Pr. Brad, and he'll share the group order link with you.


Time: 5PM

Location: 2100 San Antonio St.





We think it not wise to ask all y'all to wait 40 minutes in line for a hamburger, and we think you'd agree.  We look forward to being back at it next week! If you would like to help out  Here's a link to our SignUp Genius


Time: 3-5 Prep; 5-7PM Burgers on!

Location: 2100 San Antonio St.


O U T D O O R   O F F I C E   H O U R S

A very pettable dog. A middle-aged Lutheran campus pasor. Four chairs. And a sign that says, "Let's talk...about ANYTHING." UNLESS it's too cold to do so!


Time: 1:30-3:30 PM

Location: West Mall


D A I L Y   B R E A D   F O O D   P A N T R Y

LuMin's food pantry serves student looking for a week's supply of groceries. Our pantry seeks to provide nutritious food, fresh produce, milk, and eggs - items not always available at other food resources posted around campus.


Time: 6-8PM

Location: 2100 San Antonio St.


Lutheran Campus Ministry - Austin


LuMin has a place...

...for you at 2100 San Antonio. The LuMin Center provides a third place where you can chill, worship, pray, eat, connect with a friend, meet with our spiritual director or campus pastor, watch TV, find sanctuary, or just be WHILST ALSO adhering to "Protect Texas Together" Covid 19 protocols.


All who enter 2100 San Antonio are expected to wear their masks, wash their hands, and maintain 6' distance.


Want to know more? Click "More Info" for, well...more info.

Learn More About Us

LuMin-Austin welcomes all students into a loving community where you can experience God's grace through worship, friendship, and the opportunity to serve.


LuMin-Austin is an inclusive community that embraces all people, including those of all cultures, races, gender identities, expressions, and sexual orientations. As a Reconciled in Christ community, we do everything we can to insure LGBTQIA+ students feel safe and loved. As ones who are always in the process of becoming anti-racists, we seek opportunities be active allies to our BIPOC siblings.


We're a campus ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Contact LuMin

Wanna get coffee?

Wanna talk about faith or the lack thereof?

Wanna drop out?

Wanna sing "A Mighty Fortress" over the phone?

Wanna roll with folks who are about addresssing the hurts of the world?

Want a home-cooked meal?

Want to get ahold of us for any reason?

(ehem...click "More Info.")

LuMin Austin


Whether you’re Liberal or Conservative, Black or White, Queer or Straight, Lutheran or (fill in your denominational label here), Muslim or Jew, Student or Staff, Weird or Normal, Broken or Mended, Documented or Undocumented, blah-dee-blah or yada-yada – you are welcome here!


True for all of college students who've managed to scroll this far down is this:  You're attending college during unprecedented times. It's extroardinarily challenging to form relationships and to simply be a young adult in the midst of so much uncerntainty. What I want you to know is this: God's all-inclusive love and grace are staples among LuMin-Austin.


In the 7.5 years I've served this campus ministry, I can say LuMin is a community of faith so immersed in God’s grace that we endeavor to love and serve the University of  Texas, St. Edward's University, and Austin Community College - not as we ought but as we’re able. God does this through our Sunday worship, our meals together, our listening to each other, our welcoming the shunned, and  through healing the broken-hearted. In these past few years I've seen personally ho no pandemic, no social ill, no stress, sadness, or fear in the lives of the collegwe students we serve is too big for the God you'll encounter when you do life among this LuMin worship community.


If you’re curious about faith, turned off by Christians, or about to quit Church, come by 2100 San Antonio...OR talk with some of our LuMin students volunteering @ Daily Bread on Wednesdays and Tailgate Tuesdays…OR stop by and talk with me during my “outdoor office hours” on the West Mall.  Until then...


Grace and peace to you, dear college student!


Pr. Brad Fuerst